
Take Precautions to Avoid Gift Card Fraud

When shopping for friends and loved ones during the holidays, gift cards are often a convenient option.  According to a public service announcement issued by the Federal Bureau of Investigation they also give thieves an opportunity to make off with your money. Here...

Watch Year-End Mutual Fund Transactions

Mutual funds can have a complicated effect on income tax and can create undesirable year-end surprises if purchases or sales are poorly timed. For mutual fund investors, taxes are based on activities within each fund (with the exception of qualifying retirement...

Postpone Taxes with this Strategy

Looking for some great business tax strategies? Business owners and real estate investors who want to sell property and acquire similar property at about the same time can benefit from a tax break called a like-kind or tax-deferred exchange which is a valuable...

2014 Tax Extenders are Officially Enacted into Law

As of Friday, December 19, President Obama signed the Tax Increase Prevention Act of 2014 into law. This includes tax extenders for both individuals and businesses. The extensions expire as of December 31, 2014. What will happen for 2015 remains to be seen, but if...

Easy Steps To Get Your Finances Organized

As we head toward the end of the year, when life can become even busier than the norm, thinking about organizing our finances can seem overwhelming. Some of your important papers may have fallen under the desk, be found in a book somewhere on a shelf, or underneath...

The Affordable Care Act: What To Expect Next

As of  mid-July, we are currently sitting in health insurance “limbo.”  The initial roll out of the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, is over. The 2015 open enrollment is a few months away and all is quiet on the insurance home front.   During this...